I’ve been drowning in my new book for almost three months. With Roar of Sky now in the possession of first readers (and causing me to stare at my email an awful lot as I wait for verdicts), my head is (briefly) above water and I’m catching up on other writerly things, such as poetry submissions, promotional work, and my website. I need to get these things done now, as I expect more work to drop on me in June!
My Bibliography page is now up-to-date. Here are my poems that were published over the past two months:
- “East of the Caldera,” Devilfish Review
- “Note on the Teachers’ Lounge Fridge at the Witches’ Academy,” Star*line 40.2
- “Mother’s Return,” Eye to the Telescope: Alternate Realities
- “No Upgrade Required” and “Final Portion of Elixir Recipe,” Grievous Angel
I also have three poems nominated for the Rhysling Award this year (!!!) and they can be read online as well. The full anthology is available on Amazon.