Phoenix Comic Fest 2018

Posted by on May 24, 2018 in Blog, public speaking | Comments Off on Phoenix Comic Fest 2018

Phoenix Comic Fest logo 2018


Phoenix Comic Fest begins today! Here’s a re-post of all the relevant info. My full schedule can be found on their site and is also in their app. I’ll be posting pictures and info on Twitter and Facebook throughout the event.

12:00 pm
Magic Systems in literature :: North 126C

3:00 pm
Gods and Faiths in Fiction :: North 125AB

4:30 pm
Signing – Sam Sykes, Beth Cato, Aprilynne Pike, Jon Skovron, Myke Cole :: North 124AB

8:00 pm to 11:30 pm
Drinks with Authors :: North 120CD
Join authors and other creators for a glass or two in an informal setting. We’ll have door prizes, giveaways and raffles to support Kids Need To Read. Cost is $10 to attend.

10:30 am
Bigger Isn’t Better- Short Stories :: North 125AB

12:00 pm
Signing – Beth Cato, Rae Carson, Amy Lukavics :: North 124AB