New publications for spring!

Posted by on Apr 22, 2022 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on New publications for spring!

I’m staying incredibly busy these days, and publishers are keeping busy, too. I’ve had a number of new works published of late! [Note that links to Amazon are through their affiliate program.]


Short stories


  • Four works nominated for the 2022 Rhysling Award and included in the anthology: long form “The Bookstore” and “Follow the Meandering Path”; short form “Field Trip to See the Mermaid” and “How to Find Yourself Again”
  • “Let’s Enjoy the Stars One Last Time” and “Today,” Star*Line 45.1
  • “Forget That,” Star*Line 45.2



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Bready or Not Original: Snickerdoodle Blondies (Redux)

Posted by on Apr 20, 2022 in Blog, blondies, Bready or Not, cookies | Comments Off on Bready or Not Original: Snickerdoodle Blondies (Redux)

I first shared this recipe for Snickerdoodle Blondies back in 2015, so it’s time for a re-bake and repost, with shiny new pictures of these delicious things!

Bready or Not Original: Snickerdoodle Blondies (Redux)

These are thick, soft, and chewy bars, packed with snickerdoodle flavor. The top is crowed with cinnamon and sugar.

Bready or Not Original: Snickerdoodle Blondies (Redux)

Oh yes, and through the tender crumb are sporadic caramel chips–or cinnamon chips. This recipe is fantastic using either, or both. They add extra oomph without being overkill.

Bready or Not Original: Snickerdoodle Blondies (Redux)

The recipe makes a big 9×13 pan, so this is a good recipe to feed a crowd!

Bready or Not Original: Snickerdoodle Blondies (Redux)

Bready or Not Original: Snickerdoodle Blondies (Redux)

These soft, chewy Snickerdoodle Blondies are everything a person loves about Snickerdoodles, in deluxe form!
Course: Dessert, Snack
Cuisine: American
Keyword: bars, snickerdoodle
Author: Beth Cato


  • 9×13 pan
  • aluminum foil



  • 1 cup unsalted butter (2 sticks) room temperature
  • 2 cups brown sugar packed
  • 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs room temperature
  • 2 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 10 ounces caramel chips or cinnamon chips


  • 2 Tablespoons white sugar
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon


  • Prepare a 9×13 pan by lining it with aluminum foil and applying nonstick spray. Preheat oven at 350-degrees.
  • In a large bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar, and vanilla extract. Add the eggs one at a time.
  • In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, salt, cream of tartar, cinnamon, and baking powder. Gradually add the dry mix into the wet bowl. Once everything is mixed, add the bag of caramel or cinnamon chips.
  • Evenly spread the dough into the prepared pan. In a small bowl, mix the sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle the mix over the dough.
  • Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely. Use the foil to lift out the contents and cut into bars. Store at room temperature. They will keep well for a few days if kept sealed.


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    Bready or Not Original: Bread Machine Beer Bread Rolls

    Posted by on Apr 13, 2022 in alcohol, Blog, Bready or Not, yeast bread | Comments Off on Bready or Not Original: Bread Machine Beer Bread Rolls

    Your home bread machine makes delicious carbs super-easy with these Bread Machine Beer Bread Rolls!

    Bready or Not: Bread Machine Beer Bread Rolls

    First things first: the type of beer. You could try this with any number of beers, but I suggest a darker one. I’ve tried this with Kiltlifter (a major local beer in Arizona) and also Guinness. Guinness definitely created rolls that were darker with a deeper flavor. I have not tried this with a nonalcoholic beer.

    Bready or Not: Bread Machine Beer Bread Rolls

    Really, choose a beer that will go well with the meal. Don’t worry about alcohol amounts in the final product, either. It’ll burn off in the baking process. Also, you don’t have to like beer to like these rolls. I do not like beer (seriously, I really do not like beer) but I do enjoy the hoppy flavor it imbues in this bread!

    Bready or Not: Bread Machine Beer Bread Rolls

    A food scale will be an immense help in creating like-sized rolls. I’ve used this recipe to make medium-sized rolls, good for a butter-lacquered side dish, as well as big rolls suitable for BBQ-sauce shredded pork or other heaped-on fixings.

    Bready or Not: Bread Machine Beer Bread Rolls

    The rolls are fantastic fresh and will keep fine for a few days, and they are great to freeze. If you freeze them soon after they come out from the oven, they will taste just that fresh when you later thaw them!

    Bready or Not: Bread Machine Beer Bread Rolls

    Bready or Not Original: Bread Machine Beer Bread Rolls

    Beer works along with dry yeast to add loft, texture, and depth of flavor in these soft, delicious rolls. Divide the recipe however you wish–you can divide by 11 to get medium-sized rolls for a supper side dish, or by 6 to get rolls big enough for hearty sandwiches.
    Course: Bread
    Keyword: alcohol, bread machine, yeast bread
    Author: Beth Cato


    • bread machine
    • food thermometer
    • food scale


    • 12 ounces dark beer such as Kiltlifter or Guinness
    • 1/2 cup water
    • 1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
    • 4 to 4 1/2 cups bread flour plus more for dusting
    • 1 1/2 teaspoons instant dry yeast


    • This may be a travesty for some, but place the beer and water in a large microwave-safe dish. Give the liquid a brief zap in the microwave to raise the temperature to 100 to 110-degrees. Place in the pan of the bread machine. Add the salt, 4 cups bread flour, and yeast. Start the machine on the dough setting.
    • Check on the dough as it begins mixing. If your bread machine allows, as the cycle is on-going, add more flour if the dough looks too loose, or add a touch more water if it is too dense and lumpy.
    • When the cycle is done, weight the dough and do the math to divide into rolls of desired size. Prepare a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Divide the dough with the help of the food scale, shaping and smoothing each piece into a roll. Set spaced out on sheet.
    • Cover dough balls with plastic wrap or towels and set in a place to rise, 30 minutes to an hour.
    • Preheat oven at 350-degrees. Remove cover from dough and baking sheet. For medium rolls, bake for around 24 minutes; for larger rolls, bake for about 28 minutes. Check for doneness by tapping rolls and listening for a hollow sound, or plunge the food thermometer into a discreet place to verify the temperature in the middle if above 190-degrees.
    • Cool at least 20 minutes before eating. Rolls will keep in a sealed bag at room temperature for up to 2 days, and can also be frozen to enjoy much later.


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      Bready or Not: Triple-Marble Pound Cake

      Posted by on Apr 6, 2022 in Blog, Bready or Not, breakfast, cake, chocolate | Comments Off on Bready or Not: Triple-Marble Pound Cake

      The Triple-Marble Pound Cake is tender, soft, and has three incredible complementary flavors combined in one cake. It’s not hard to make, either, though it does dirty a few extra dishes.

      Bready or Not: Triple-Marble Pound Cake

      Oh yes, and it’s pretty, too. The interior reminds me of a calico cat!

      Bready or Not: Triple-Marble Pound Cake

      Something I really like about this recipe is that it is no-frills. The flavors are all built into the dough itself. There’s no need for frosting or glaze. The end result is a nice, tidy slice. You can throw it in a sandwich bag or some plastic wrap, and this is great as a to-go snack of treat. It might get crushed, but it won’t melt (and that is always a concern in Arizona!).

      Bready or Not: Triple-Marble Pound Cake

      The cake keeps well, too. Store it sealed at room temperature for up to four days. It’s also fantastic to freeze in slices to enjoy later.

      Bready or Not: Triple-Marble Pound Cake

      Greatly modified from Bake from Scratch Sep/Oct 2020.

      Bready or Not: Triple-Marble Pound Cake

      This pound cake is marbled with three colorful flavors: chocolate, caramel, and vanilla. The texture is tender but still durable, making this a great cake to slice and take as a snack on the go!
      Course: Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
      Keyword: cake, caramel, chocolate, loaf cake
      Author: Beth Cato


      • 9×5 loaf pan
      • parchment paper
      • food scale


      • 3/4 cup unsalted butter (1 and a half sticks) softened
      • 1 1/2 cups white sugar
      • 3 large eggs room temperature
      • 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
      • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
      • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
      • 1/2 cup vanilla Greek yogurt or sour cream
      • 1/4 cup jarred caramel or dulce de leche
      • 1/3 cup dark chocolate melted and cooled slightly
      • 1 Tablespoon Dutch-process cocoa powder sifted
      • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract


      • Preheat oven at 300-degrees. Cut a piece of parchment to fit like a sling inside the pan, extending up both long sides. Apply butter or nonstick spray in the pan, then set the parchment inside and spray it again.
      • Beat together butter and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs, beating well after each addition.
      • In a separate bowl, combine the flour, salt, and baking powder. Gradually add the dry ingredients in with the wet, adding in the yogurt/sour cream as well.
      • Either by using a food scale or by eyeballing, divide the dough into three roughly equal portions.
      • If the caramel/dulce de leche is stiff, microwave briefly in a microwave-safe bowl to make it looser. Mix that into one portion of dough.
      • Add the cocoa powder with the melted chocolate, and fold that into a second portion of dough until the color is even throughout.
      • To the third portion, mix in the vanilla to completely incorporate.
      • Set a tablespoon with each portion. Scoop vanilla and chocolate to form a checkerboard-like formation in the bottom of the loaf pan. Add scoops of caramel dough sporadically over top. Tap pan to settle the dough. Repeat, mixing up the pattern so that different colors are near each other, tapping the pan on occasion. Once all of the dough is in the pan, use a butter knife to gently swirl for an extra marbling effect on the top. Tap pan again to level and work out bubbles.
      • Bake for 1 hour 40 minutes. Check the middle with a toothpick. If it’s still wet, bake longer, checking every few minutes for doneness. Once it passes the test, let cool on stove top for 10 minutes, then use the parchment sling to lift the loaf onto a rack to cool completely.
      • Cake can be served warm or at room temperature. It will keep for up to 4 days in a sealed container. It can also be frozen in slices for later enjoyment.

      OM NOM NOM!

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