I’m really excited that my story “Sanctified Ground” is in Trust and Treachery: Tales of Power and Intrigue, an anthology edited by Day Al-Mohamed and Meriah Crawford. It’s taken a few years for the book to reach publication, which makes the event all the more fulfilling. Yay!
I have two poems in the brand spankin’ new issue of Star*Line 37.2–“Authentic Mother 2.6” and “Unanimous.” They can be bought over yonder.
Is anyone else weirded out that it’s now May? This year. This year is crazy.
I’m planning to attend LepreCon in Mesa, Arizona, on May 10th. I’ll post info on panels when I get it.
I will also be socially challenging myself by taking part in Career Day at my son’s school in a few weeks. I get to tell 6th-8th graders about the fun and exciting life of a writer. The vibe I’m going for: “You get rejected constantly. Reviews will scrape your soul raw. The pay rate hasn’t changed since the 1950s. It’s the best job in the world.”
Our slush reader who read “Sanctified Ground” threatened us if we didn’t include it. 🙂 Great story. Glad to have it as part of the anthology.