Locus Awards 2016 – Novella Consideration
Well, it’s now time for people to vote for the annual Locus Awards. As you might recall, Clockwork Dagger ended up as a finalist for 1st Novel last year; it’d sure be nifty to make the final ballot again.
The work I want to emphasize is my Nebula-finalist novella, Wings of Sorrow and Bone. If you 1) read it, and 2) liked it, please type it in under the novella category and add a rank!
One thing that sets these awards apart from the other major genre awards is that ANYONE can vote. All you need to do is fill in your name, email, and vote in whatever category you want. The ballot is huge. You don’t have to fill in everything.
Take a look and vote! The deadline is April 15th.
Read MoreMarching Onward: Recent Publications
In January, I was occupied with writing Call of Fire. February was spent in heavy revisions on that book. With it currently with first readers, I can now turn my attention to everything that’s been ignored in 2016, like my website, poetry re-submissions, promotional work, and things around the house, too. It’s been pretty overwhelming. Every time I think, “Yeah! I’m caught up!” I have three more things land on me. But hey, that’s life. I’m staying busy, and that keeps me happy.
If you poke around my site, you’ll see a new Breath of Earth page is online. There is also info on the reading order for the Clockwork Dagger series and the new story that comes out next month, Final Flight!
My events for the year have been updated, too. They form a sizable column on the right-hand side.
The Bibliography page has also been updated with some recent publications like:
– my poem “To Ride the Puca” in Kaleidotrope
– three poems in the issue 39.1 of Star*Line: “Window View,” “Apology Letter from the Aliens,” & “No More Broomsticks for Me”
– that my poem “Fried Okra” (originally published in Tales of the Talisman) has been nominated for Rhysling Award
– my story “The Sweetness of Bitter” has been reprinted in Fantastic Stories of the Imagination
Read MoreWhat a Nebula Nomination Is
I originally posted this on Facebook, and it had such a good reaction that I decided to post it on my blog as well, as I know some family members subscribe to my blog feed. The TL;DR version: Wings of Sorrow and Bone is a Nebula nominee in the novella category. This is a HUGE deal.
A full list of this year’s nominees can be found here.
I was asked what a Nebula nomination really *is*. It’s comparable to an Oscar nomination, I suppose.
Within science fiction and fantasy fiction, the Nebulas (voted on by members of SFWA, a professional writers’ organization) and the Hugos (voted on by supporters and attendees of the annual WorldCon) are THE biggest awards, followed by others like the Locus Award, World Fantasy Award, etc.
Being a Nebula nominee is a huge deal. It’s the kind of thing that gets mentioned on book covers and in reviews (it can also lead to book deals and reviews). It’s high validation from my peers. Go look at Wikipedia at the works that have won these awards–I bet you’ll recognize names and titles!
Read MoreNebula Award Nominee! Life Goal = Achieved
Wings of Sorrow and Bone is a Nebula finalist. I’m gobsmacked. I’m thrilled. I’m terrified.

Within five years, I’d like to have a story or novel make the shortlist for a Hugo or Nebula. I’d also like to have a poem up for the Rhysling Award.
Then this. The big one. The Nebula nomination. I actually made my goal a year before my deadline. How funny is that?! I guess the next goal should be to actually win a Hugo or Nebula at some point.
Wings of Sorrow and Bone is available at all online retailers for just 99-cents. Check it out–it seems people actually like it!?
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play | iTunes
Read More2015 Works for Award Consideration
Are you voting in the forthcoming Nebula, Hugo, or World Fantasy Awards? If so, I appreciate it if you’ll consider these works of mine that were published in 2015.
Selected Short stories
“The Quest You Have Chosen Defies Your Fate,” Daily Science Fiction (flash fic)
“Roots, Shallow and Deep,” Urban Fantasy Magazine
“Bread of Life,” Nature Magazine (flash fic)
“Wings of Sorrow and Bone: A Clockwork Dagger Novella” published by Harper Voyager Impulse; at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. (99-cents)
The Clockwork Crown (book 2 of Clockwork Dagger Duology) published by Harper Voyager; in trade paperback or ebook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.
Read MoreA Pushcart Nom and Other Horse Stories
I was horse obsessed as a kid and I never really outgrew that love. Maybe that’s why some of my favorite stories and poems feature horses. I actually have a whole bunch of horse-related announcements this time around.
My poem “What Happened Among the Stars” has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. My poem even inspired this gorgeous cover art by Marge Simon.
My story “The Souls of Horses” will be featured in Clockwork Phoenix 5 edited by Mike Allen. This is… huge news. First of all, this is my all-time favorite story, one that was pleasantly rejected by most of the pro magazines out there. Secondly, the Clockwork Phoenix series is incredible. The stories get nominated for lots of awards, with reason–they are mind-blowingly good. That makes me really excited to read the full book. Check out the full table of contents.
An old and dear favorite story of mine, “Red Dust and Dancing Horses,” has been reprinted several times now. This is my horse story on Mars, where horses can’t exist. Its newest publication is in the 2016 Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide. This is for middle grade readers with an emphasis on girl-positive stories, which makes me especially happy. This would make for a great Christmas gift. Just sayin’.
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