I won a Rhysling Award?!
The Rhysling Award is the top award within science fiction, fantasy, and speculative poetry, as voted on by members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA). I’ve had poetry make finalist for like four years now–but this is no short list. The nominees fill an entire small book, and these poems are GOOD. Like, make you cry or gasp in reaction kind-of-good. I’ve always been happy to have my poems hang with that crowd.
This year, something bonkers happened. I WON. My poem “After Her Brother Ripped the Heads from Her Paper Dolls,” published in Mythic Delirium, won 1st place in the short poetry division. Even more bonkers, I also placed 2nd in the long form category with “The Fairies in the Crawlspace,” published in Uncanny Magazine.
Thanks to everyone who voted for my poems. I remain gobsmacked by this honor.
Read More2018 Work for Award Consideration
All the cool kids are doing it, so I suppose I should raise my hand from the shadows. It’s award nominations time!
I have only one work that I’m putting forth for consideration, in the short story category:
– “To This You Cling, With Jagged Fingernails” published in Fireside Magazine in July 2017.
The story has had some nice notice, including a review at the B&N SFF Blog that said, “Cato perfectly captures the bittersweet moment when you feel the magic of childhood slip away, a moment haunted by sadness, and by the loneliness you can feel in a crowd when you think no one else feels the same, or as deeply, as you.”
Quick Sip Reviews wrote a beautiful review, saying, “It’s a graceful read, though, careful and with a blush of defiance, a hope that maybe magic isn’t just for those too young to know better.”
The story is also included on the SFWA Nebula Reading List.
Read MoreMy 2017 Works for Award Consideration
The end of the year is nigh, which means it’s time for awards buzz to build up within genre fiction. I have three works in three categories that I wish to bring to readers’ attention.
SHORT STORY CATEGORY: “With Cardamom I’ll Bind Their Lips,” Uncanny Magazine issue 15. Available to read online; podcast version can be downloaded here.
Reach out via the Contact Form to request a different format.
COLLECTION CATEGORY: Red Dust and Dancing Horses and Other Stories, Fairwood Press. Available in print and ebook at all major booksellers.
NOVEL CATEGORY: Call of Fire (#2 in Blood of Earth Trilogy, following Breath of Earth), Harper Voyager. Available in trade paperback and ebook everywhere.
Thank you for your consideration!
Read More3rd Place for Short Form Rhysling!
The Rhysling Award is the biggest award for genre poetry. Weirdly enough, I had three of my poems nominated this year, one in the short poem category, two for long.
Even weirder, my short form poem placed third. In a three-way tie!
I’m tickled by the whole thing. Who’d a thunk it? You can read “Box of Dust and Monsters” over at Devilfish Review.
Read MoreLocus Awards 2017 – Novel Consideration
It’s time to send in nominations for the Locus Awards! As you might recall, Clockwork Dagger was a finalist two years ago. It’d be spiffy to make the list again. My novel Breath of Earth is already on the ballot in the Fantasy category!
One thing that sets these awards apart from the other major genre awards is that ANYONE can vote. All you need to do is fill in your name, email, and vote in whatever category you want. The ballot is huge. You don’t have to fill in everything.
Take a look and vote! The deadline is April 15th.
Read MoreRhysling Nominations! Three of them!
The Rhysling Award is the top award in genre poetry. The past two years, I’ve been thrilled to have one poem nominated each year. This year, I somehow managed to get THREE on the ballot.
Those three poems are:
– “The Box of Dust and Monsters”, Devilfish Review 17
– “The Death of the Horse,” Remixt Magazine 1:8
– “Morning During Migration Season,” Star*Line 39.4
If you’re in the Science Fiction Poetry Association, you’ll soon get the nominees bound together in a book; thanks for reading and considering my work! The volume will also be available for the public to buy. On an offhand note, “The Death of the Horse” will also be included in my forthcoming collection Red Dust and Dancing Horses (now available to preorder).
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