Four poems on the 2025 Rhysling Long List

Four of my poems were nominated for the Rhysling Award long list! A jury will decide the finalists from here. This is the first year that the Hugo Awards have a poetry category, and I’m hopeful that people will consider these already-recognized poems for that award as well.
Here are links to each of them:
Short form:
- “You are a Monster” at Worlds of Possibility
Long Form:
- “Defiance by Cake” at Worlds of Possibility
- “Five Nights in the Castle” in Penumbric
- “Meat, Bone, and Soul” in Haven Spec
Updated Bibliography December 2022
The Bibliography page has been updated with an array of news and publications:
Big News:
“The Bookstore” (NewMyths) won long form Rhysling Award for 2022!
Short story:
“P is for Pet” (reprint), Paradoxical Pets anthology for middle grade readers
Translated short story:
“Raue Sitten” (Rough Manners) (originally “Canopy of Skulls”), (Oct 12 2022)
“The Library is Open” (reprint), Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast
“Doing Her Part to Combat Sexism in the Sciences” and “Mother, Grandmother, God,” Star*Line 45.3 Summer 2022
“Better Off,” Star*Line 45.4 Fall 2022
“Summer Evenings,” Frozen Wavelets issue 7
Read More“The Bookstore” won the long form Rhysling Award!
Wow. This was a shock. My poem “The Bookstore,” originally published in NewMyths #56/57, was recently announced as the winner of the long poem Rhysling Award. You can read the poem here.
This is a fictional autobiographical piece. I wrote it soon after my grandma died. I couldn’t go to the funeral. This poem imagines my visit to a very special bookstore, but many of the details throughout are true to my life. I wrote this in a single sitting, and it was an exercise of grief. That makes this level of recognition all the more extraordinary.
Read MoreRhysling Nominated Poems from 2021
Each year, members of SFPA (Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association) nominate what they consider to be the best poems of the past year. Works are divided into two categories, short (under 50 lines) and long (above 50 lines). I’m honored this year to have FOUR nominated poems, two in each category, and all of them can be read online!
Within a few months, they’ll also be published in the SFPA Rhysling Anthology that members read before voting for their top poems (I actually won in 2019!). This will also be available for the public to buy from sites such as Amazon.
Here are my nominated poems:
“Field Trip to See the Mermaid” in Mermaids Monthly
“How to Find Yourself Again” in Fantasy Magazine
“The Bookstore” in New Myths
“Follow the Meandering Path” in Abyss & Apex
Best of luck to all nominees!
Read MoreFour poems as Rhysling Finalists
I feel odd reporting good news as the modern civilization seems to be eroding around us, but I’ll take whatever positives I can get. Four of my poems were nominated for the Rhysling Award this year. That means they’ll be published in the Rhysling Anthology, and members of the SFPA will consider them as they vote for the annual winners. I’m honored to have anything up for such an honor again!
Here are my works that are finalists, with links to the two available online:
Short category:
– “My Ghost Will Know The Way” • The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July/August
– “A Purring Cat is a Time Machine” • Daikaijuzine 1
– “What You Hear When Your Best Friend Falls for a Supervillain” • Star*Line 42.1
Long category:
– “Childhood Memory from the Old Victorian House on Warner” • Uncanny 27
Here is the complete list of nominees.
Read More2019 Works for Award Consideration
The end of the year is nigh. Time for a retrospective with the vain hope that I might garner some award nominations from my fellow writers.
Short stories
– The major story I’m promoting for awards is “The Blighted Godling of Company Town H” published at Beneath Ceaseless Skies #268 the very first week of 2019. It can be read online and is also available for free in podcast form, read by Tina Connolly.
My other new stories this year include:
– “Consider the Monsters” in Diabolical Plots;
– “The Wind Knows All” in Nature
– “By Footpad and Clenched Paw” in Monarchies of Mau: Tales of Excellent Cats available in PDF and print at DriveThruFiction and in ebook at Amazon
– “Clouds Gleam Across Her Eyes” in Daily Science Fiction
– Letter Z in F is for Fairy
– “A Picture is Worth” in Nature
– “The Peculiar Gravity of Home” in Future SF Issue 2; available in print and ebook
– “Awaken My Bones Old and New” in Gorgon: Stories of Emergence
If you’re a member of SFPA and reading works for consideration for the Rhysling and Dwarf Stars, please keep these poems in mind–but most of all, this first one, which is a dream publication for me!
– “My Ghost Will Know the Way” in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction #744 July/August 2019
– “Old Coyote” in Eye to the Telescope Issue 34: Tricksters
– “A Purring Cat is a Time Machine,” “Dollar Store Monsters,” and “Drought and Dryad” in Daikaijuzine
– “These Rocks, This Soul” in Sycorax Journal issue 3
– “Stranger Danger” in Star*Line 42.3
– “Consequences of a Stolen Star” in Kaleidotrope
– “Childhood Memory from the Old Victorian House on Warner” in Uncanny Magazine #27
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