This page lists my published works of fiction and nonfiction, with the newest items listed toward the top. If you’re looking for my novels, go directly to the pages for my Chefs of the Five Gods duology, The Clockwork Dagger series, Blood of Earth Trilogy, or Cheese Boards by Bird cozy mystery series.
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Red Dust and Dancing Horses and Other Stories
A novel-length collection featuring 28 stories and 6 poems.
published by Fairwood Press
paperback & ebook
- Amazon Paperback & Ebook
- Barnes & Noble
- Fairwood Press
Short Stories
- “Story Time,” Nature (August 23, 2024)
- “Dad Always Mows on Summer Saturday Mornings,” Nature (April 17 2024)
- “Water in the Bones,” Stupefying Stories #26
- “Believe Nothing Said by Clouds,” Stupefying Stories Showcase
- “Monsters of the Places Between,” Stupefying Stories #24
- “Apocalypse Playlist” (reprint), The Big Book of Cyberpunk
- “Birds of London,” Abyss & Apex
- “Family Get-Together,” Nature (Dec 16 2022)
- “P is for Pet” (reprint), Paradoxical Pets anthology for middle grade readers
- “The 207th Time I Went Back to March 9, 1980,” Uncanny Magazine Issue 48 (Sept/Oct 2022)
- “Prognostiqueso,” Daily Science Fiction
- “How to Creatively Host Cheese Parties During and After the Apocalypse,” Hexagon Magazine
- “A Light in the Garden,” Nature (September 7, 2022)
- “To Meet the Death Carriage,” Daily Science Fiction
- “The Right Cornbread,” Nature (April 22 2022)
- “More Than Nine,” Reinvented Heart anthology
- “How to Hide a Unicorn,” Untethered anthology
- “The Recipe Keeper,” Flash Fiction Online
- “Welcome Home,” Nature (Nov 17 2021)
- “A Consideration of Trees,” Escape Pod
- Letter H, G is for Ghosts
- “Your Cat,” Daily Science Fiction
- “Shared Pain,” Nature (15 September 2021)
- “Bread of Life,” (reprint) Flash Fiction Online
- “My Brother’s Keeper,” (reprint) Arcana anthology edited by Rhonda Parrish
- “What Friends Are For,” Nature
- “A Future of Towers Made,” Clockwork, Curses, and Coal: Steampunk and Gaslamp Fairy Tales edited by Rhonda Parrish
- “A Consideration of Trees,” Escape Pod: The Science Fiction Anthology
- “The Sweetness of Bitter” (reprint), Surviving Tomorrow: An all-star charity anthology to fight COVID-19
- “Apocalypse Playlist,” Nature
- “A Royal Saber’s Work is Never Done,” Swashbuckling Cats: Nine Lives on the Seven Seas
- “Perilous Blooms,” Daily Science Fiction
- “A Different Heaven,” Kasma SF
- “The Best Horses Are Found in the Sea, and Other Horse Tales to Emerge Since the Rise,” Daily Science Fiction
- “Sometimes You End Up Where You Are,” Nature
- “Consider the Monsters,” Diabolical Plots; also included in ebook Diabolical Plots Year Five (Diabolical Plots Anthology Series Book 4)
- “The Wind Knows All,” Nature
- “By Footpad and Clenched Paw,” Monarchies of Mau: Tales of Excellent Cats available in PDF and print at DriveThruFiction and in ebook at Amazon
- “Clouds Gleam Across Her Eyes,” Daily Science Fiction
- Letter Z, F is for Fairy
- “A Picture is Worth,” Nature
- “The Peculiar Gravity of Home,” Future SF Issue 2; available in print and ebook
- “Awaken My Bones Old and New,” Gorgon: Stories of Emergence
- Reprint online and in audio “A Fine Night for Tea and Bludgeoning,” Escape Pod
- “The Blighted Godling of Company Town H,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies #268
- “The 133rd Live Podcast of the Gourmando Resistance,” Nature
- “To This, You Cling, With Jagged Fingernails,” Fireside Magazine
- Letter R, E is for Evil anthology
- “The Library is Open,” Daily Science Fiction
- “Powers of Observation,” Nature
- “Excerpts from the 100-day Food Diary of Angela Meyer,” Nature
- “With Cardamom I’ll Bind Their Lips,” Uncanny Magazine
- “A Fine Night for Tea and Bludgeoning,” Little Green Men–Attack! from Baen
- “P is for Pet,” D is for Dinosaur
- “Left Hand Awakens,” Perihelion SF
- “10 Things Newly Manifested Wizards Should Never Do,” Daily Science Fiction
- “Moon Skin,” Swords & Steam Short Stories
- “A Recipe for Rain and Rainbows” (reprint), Mysterion: Rediscovering the Mysteries of the Christian Faith
- “American Shadow” (reprint), Fantastic Stories of the Imagination
- “Minor Hockey Gods of Barstow Station,” Galactic Games from Baen, edited by Bryan Thomas Schmidt
- “An Echo in the Shell” (reprint), Decision Points edited by Bryan Thomas Schmidt, published by Wordfire Press
- “Bear-bear Speaks,” Daily Science Fiction
- “A Dance to End Our Final Day” (reprint), EGM Shorts
- Letter S, C is for Chimera (Alphabet Anthologies Book 1)
- “The Souls of Horses,” Clockwork Phoenix 5
- “The Human is Late to Feed the Cat,” Nature Magazine
- “The Sweetness of Bitter” (reprint), Fantastic Stories of the Imagination
- “Rootless” (a Christmas story), Every Day Fiction
- “Red Dust and Dancing Horses” (reprint), 2016 Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide
- “Overlap” (reprint), Science Fiction Short Stories (Gothic Fantasy), Amazon, direct from publisher Flame Tree Press
- “Echo in the Shell” (reprint), Year’s Best YA Speculative Fiction 2013, from publisher Twelfth Planet Press
- “Red Dust and Dancing Horses” (reprint), For Want of a Horse Anthology; also available in print from the publisher, Lethe Press
- “Cartographer’s Ink” (reprint), Fantastic Stories of the Imagination
- “The Quest You Have Chosen Defies Your Fate,” Daily Science Fiction
- Letter K, B is for Broken (Alphabet Anthologies Book 2)
- Letter D, A is for Apocalypse (Alphabet Anthologies Book 1)
- “Headspace,” Cats in Space; on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
- “Roots, Shallow and Deep,” Urban Fantasy Magazine
- “My Brother’s Keeper,” Fantasy Scroll Magazine
- “Bread of Life,” Nature Magazine
- “From the Ashes,” Daily Science Fiction
- “A Mother’s Touch,” Perihelion Science Fiction
- “Hatchlings,” Daily Science Fiction
- “Post-Apocalyptic Conversations with a Sidewalk,” Nature Magazine
- “The Cartography of Shattered Trees,” FAE; on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
- “Degrees of Starvation,” Every Day Fiction
- “Bad Snake Day,” Every Day Fiction
- “Sanctified Ground,” Trust and Treachery: Tales of Power and Intrigue
- “Measures and Countermeasures,” Daily Science Fiction
- “Cold Beyond White,” Stupefying Stories Showcase #13
- “Stitched Wings,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- “Toilet Gnomes at War” (reprint), Coffee: 14 Caffeinated Tales of the Fantastic available in print and Kindle
- “Frail Men of Metal and Bone,” Every Day Fiction
- “Hat Trick,” Oomph: A Little Super Goes a Long Way
- “The Sweetness of Bitter,” Intergalactic Medicine Show #35; reviewed at Tangent Online
- “Last Supper,” Perihelion
- “For Want of Stars,” Electric Spec
- “Grandmother’s Prerogative,” Metro Moms
- “A Song Not Fully Sung,” Every Day Fiction
- “A Lonesome Speck of Home,” Blue Shift Magazine; full issue available in PDF or print
- “A Library of the Living,” Clones, Fairies, & Monsters in the Closet; available in print and for Kindle
- “Clementine, Who Swims with Mermaids,” Penumbra eMag volume 2 issue 8
- “American Shadow,” The California Cantata; available for Kindle and Nook
- “Bloom,” 713 Flash
- “Canopy of Skulls,” Nature Magazine
- “Maps,” Daily Science Fiction; glowing review from Diabolical Plots
- “An Echo in the Shell,” Waylines Magazine Issue 1
- “A Unicorn for Christmas,” At Year’s End: Holiday SFF Stories; available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
- “Toilet Gnomes at War, ” Stupefying Stories Issue 2.1 (November 2012); available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes; reviewed in Locus Magazine
- “Pigeons in Heaven,” Every Day Fiction
- “Overlap,” Cucurbital 3; available on Amazon in paperback, hardcover, and on Kindle; at Barnes & Noble in paperback and hardcover
- “The Vulgarity of Flowers,” Plasma Frequency: Issue 2
- “Blue Tag Sale,” Buzzy Mag
- “Cartographer’s Ink,” Daily Science Fiction
- “Pest Control,” Every Day Fiction
- “A Good Eye,” Big Pulp: Summer 2012; available for Kindle via Amazon and in print soon
- “Don’t Look”, Grand Science Fiction
- “213 Myrtle Street”, Flash Fiction Online
- “Red Dust and Dancing Horses,” Stupefying Stories Issue 1.5 (March 2012); available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes
- “Brains for Breakfast,” Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Presents Flush Fiction: 88 Short Short Stories You Can Read in a Single Sitting published by Bathroom Readers’ Institute; available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
- “Safe Places,” Eschatology: The Journal of Lovecraftian and Apocalyptic Fiction
- “A Taste,” Apollo’s Lyre
- “Drumbeats,” Stories from the Hearth: Heartwarming Tales of Appalachia published by Woodland Press; also on Amazon
- “La Rosa Still in Bloom,” Crossed Genres Quarterly 3 Anthology
- “One More Name,” Fiction365
- “A Spectacular Display,” Fantastique Unfettered issue 3 Prolefeed; Barnes & Noble and Amazon
- “Reading Time”, Daily Science Fiction; also available for Kindle
- “La Rosa Still in Bloom,” Crossed Genres
- “A Dance to End Our Final Day,” Every Day Fiction
- “Trash Night,” Concisely Magazine
- “A Recipe for Rain and Rainbows,” Mountain Magic: Spellbinding Tales of Appalachia published by Woodland Press; also on Amazon
- “Bless This House,” Daily Science Fiction
- “Bless This House,”(unpublished) honorable mention in the 2nd Annual Crossed Genres Flash Fiction Contest
- “The Green Bike,” 6S The Green Bike Stories
- “Biding Time,” The Pedestal Magazine Issue 55 (December 2009-February 2010)
- “Christmas Bloodbath,” Nothing to Dread: A Niteblade Anthology
- “And Yet Stars Still Existed” (the compiled Jessie and Aaron trilogy), Nothing to Dread: A Niteblade Anthology
- “That Strange Day,” August winner on the Writer’s Digest Promptly Blog
- “The Teething Ring” (third in a series of three), September 2009 Niteblade Fantasy and Horror Magazine
- “Nipped in the Bud,” Every Day Fiction
- Untitled, Nanoism
- “The Mother and the Moon,” Apollo’s Lyre
- “Father’s Daughter,” first place in the 1st Annual Crossed Genres Flash Fiction Contest
- “Gold Star”, Six Sentences
- “The Empty Crib at the End of the World” (second in series of three), June 2009 Niteblade Fantasy and Horror Magazine
- “Promise in the Dust,” Crossed Genres Issue 6: Western
- “Deja Vu,” Six Sentences
- “The Pacifier” (first in series of three), March 2009 Niteblade Fantasy and Horror Magazine
- “Junk and Mothballs,” top ten runner-up, WOW! Women on Writing Summer 2008 Flash Fiction Contest
- “Brains for Breakfast,” honorable mention, Ligonier Valley Writers 2008 Zombie Flash Fiction Contest
- “Rejection,” The Shine Journal
- Shining Moon Episode 33: Food and Foodways in Fiction at their site & YouTube
- Shining Moon Podcast Episode 17: Worldbuilding at their site & YouTube
- H. P. Lovecast Podcast – Ep 22 – Tom Starita and Beth Cato
- Russ’s Rockin’ Rollercoaster Ep #97– The Writer’s Chair: How to Build Magic Systems in Genre Fiction featuring AARON ROSENBERG, BETH CATO and SHERRI COOK WOOSLEY
- “Headspace” reprint, CatsCast (only subscribers have access to full content)
- Functional Nerds Podcast Episode 582- With Beth Cato (May 9, 2023)
- Page Break with Brian McClellan Ep 69 – Beth Cato – Author and Poet
- “The Library is Open” (reprint), Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast
- “Consider the Monsters” (reprint), Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast
- “A Consideration of Trees,” Escape Pod, narrated by Sandra Espinoza
- “Headspace” (reprint), The Overcast
- HOW TO READ POETRY featuring Beth Cato with “A Purring Cat is a Time Machine” plus an interview, on YouTube
- “I Pledge Allegiance” from Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive for Preteens featured on the Chicken Soup Podcast 11/16/2020
- “Toilet Gnomes at War” (reprint) read by J.S. Arquin at The Overcast
- “Clouds Gleam Across Her Eyes” (reprint) read by Tina Connolly at Toasted Cake as part of the Run of Hope
- “Other Worlds to Save,” Uncanny Magazine Podcast 33a (poem plays at 45:45)
- “Shoe Bonanza” featured on the Chicken Soup for the Soul podcast 8/19/19
- At Future SF, “The Peculiar Gravity of Home” read by Wulf Moon
- “With Cardamom I’ll Bind Their Lips” reprinted at Cast of Wonders, read by Nika Harper
- Poem “Childhood Memory from the Old Victorian House on Warner,” read by Erika Ensign, Uncanny Magazine 27a
- “A Fine Night for Tea and Bludgeoning” read by Eve Upton, Escape Pod
- “The Blighted Godling of Company Town H” read by Tina Connolly, Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- Unreliable Narrators Podcast: Author Spotlight Beth Cato
- Two Gay Geeks Episode 185: interview with Beth Cato and Rhonda Parrish
- Toasted Cake 194: “Hatchlings” (reprint)
- Broadcast of the Magical History panel at the Tucson Festival of Books March 11th, 2018 including Gail Carriger, Beth Cato, and Mindy Tarquini, with moderator David Lee Summers; recording by the Creative Play and Podcast Network
- Poem “Fairies in the Crawlspace included at 38:20 in Uncanny Magazine podcast 21b and read by Stephanie Malia Morris
- Read for Pixels 2018 (IWD Edition): Beth Cato Reading+Q&A Session
- Once & Future Podcast, Ep. 177: Beth Cato
- Toasted Cake 155: So You Have Been Claimed by a Magical Cat by Beth Cato (original story)
- Storypunks Podcast #4: Interview with Beth Cato
- Archivos Brainstorm with Guest Host Beth Cato
- Archivos Insights Podcast: Interview with Beth Cato
- Spilling Ink: The First Rule of Publishing Club is… Google Hangouts Chat with Beth Cato and Weston Ochse
- Mur Lafferty’s I Should Be Writing #383: Beth Cato interview
- Once & Future Podcast, Ep. 161: Live Megacast, Gen Con 2017: Beth Cato & Mercedes Lackey
- The Two Gay Geeks podcast 127: interview with Beth Cato
- Unscrambled Authors Episode 32: Beth Cato
- Chicken Soup for the Soul’s THOUGHTFUL THURSDAY: The Quest for an Agent – How Two Writers Found Theirs and Got Published, includes a short summary of my journey to acquire an agent
- Featured story “With Cardamom I’ll Bind Their Lips” and interview with Beth Cato in Uncanny Magazine Podcast 15a
- Unscrambled Authors Episode 9: Beth Cato
- Overlap, StarShipSofa #464 narrated by Christiana Ellis
- Far Fetched Fables No. 119 Beth Cato double feature: “The Quest You Have Chosen Defies Your Fate” and “Cartographer’s Ink” read by Geoffrey Welchman and Martin Reyto
- Poem “Deeper Than Pie” included in Uncanny Podcast 10a and read by Erika Ensign
- “Stitched Wings,” The Overcast, read by J.S. Arquin
- Beat Softly, My Wings of Steel,” PodCastle, read by Elizabeth Green
- “Hat Trick,” Cast of Wonders, read by Rachael K. Jones
- “A Lonesome Speck of Home,” StarShipSofa No 414 Beth Cato and Rachael K. Jones
- “Bless This House,” Far-Fetched Fables #83 along with Seanan McGuire
- SFSignal interview with Beth Cato, by Patrick Hester; recorded at Sasquan/WorldCon
- Reading and Writing Podcast discussion with Beth Cato
- Skiffy and Fanty Show Podcast: The Wonders and Politics of Steampunk w/ Cherie Priest, Beth Cato, and Jaymee Goh
- Nature Podcast: “Bread of Life”; read by Kerri Smith
- SFFMP 16: Marketing and Promotion for Traditionally Published Authors with Beth Cato, Science Fiction & Fantasy Marketing Podcast
- “My Brother’s Keeper” on the Fantasy Scroll Magazine Podcast
- “Red Dust and Dancing Horses,” Escape Pod; read by Marguerite Kenner
- “Reading Time,” Cast of Wonders; read by Dave Thompson
- “213 Myrtle Street,” Toasted Cake; read by Tina Connolly
- “La Rosa Still in Bloom,” Comets and Criminals; read by Catherine Smith
- “Frail Men of Metal and Bone,” Every Day Fiction; read by Folly Blaine
- “Biding Time,” Toasted Cake; read by Tina Connolly
- “Pest Control,” Every Day Fiction; read by Folly Blaine
Guest Blogs
- How to Engage in Food-Focused Historical Research: A Weird Circular Guest Post (March 2024) by Beth Cato
- Scalzi’s Big Idea: A Feast for Starving Stone
- My Favorite Bit from A Feast for Starving Stone
- My Favorite Bit from A Thousand Recipes for Revenge
- Scalzi’s Big Idea: A Thousand Recipes for Revenge
- 6 Books with Beth Cato at Nerds of a Feather
- Beth Cato Knows Cheese for Sue London’s God and Cheese Day
- Beth Cato on “A Future of Towers Made”
- “The Story Behind the Story of ‘The Wind Knows All’: at Nature
- Mind Meld at Nerds of a Feather Flock Together: Favorite Hugo best Novel Winners
- “The Story Behind the Story of ‘A Picture is Worth'” at Nature
- “The Story Behind the Story of the 133rd Podcast of the Gourmando Resistance” at Nature
- MONTH OF JOY: On Joy, Sorrow, and Cats: Special Feature for Skiffy and Fanty
- Libraries and Authors: A Match Made in Heaven at Once and Future Podcast Blog
- Contributed to B&N SFF’s Mind Meld: Monster Mayhem—Vampires and Everything Else
- A Long Time Ago: Beth Cato on Being Born Into Star Wars at Unbound Worlds
- Four Tips to Reduce Stress During NaNoWriMo at the Once and Future Podcast Blog
- Feature: Five Books Set in the Pacific Northwest
- At the Nature Blog: The Story Behind the Story of ‘Excerpts from the 100 day Food Diary of Angela Meyer’
- “Not So Imaginary Friends” about my D is for Dinosaur story, at Rhonda Parrish’s blog
- The Binge-Watcher’s Companion Guide: Beth Cato’s Breath of Earth and The Great British Baking Show at the B&N SFF Blog
- Mind Meld: Some of Our Favorite Characters at B&N SFF Blog
- “The Importance of Slides: Beth Cato’s Story in C is for Chimera at Rhonda Parrish’s site
- The Story Behind ‘The Human is Late to Feed the Cat,’ Nature Blog
- The Children’s Movies That Scared Us the Most, SF Signal Mind Meld
- What Writers Read featuring Beth Cato.
- Great SF Detective Novels, SF Signal
- Unlikely Influences: What Beth Cato Learned About Writing by Baking Cookies at Kate Heartfield’s Blog
- Cities and The Epic SFF Road Trip, SF Signal
- “The Story Behind the Story: Bread of Life,” Nature Blog
- That Was Awesome: The Power of Voice in The Diabolical Miss Hyde,
- The Christmas Cat, Rhonda Parrish’s Blog
- “Writing a Bit of Everything,” Milo James Fowler’s Site
- Words We Learned From Genre Fiction, SF Signal
- Write Strong Guest Post: “Hikes on the Edge of Nowhere,” Josh Vogt’s Write Strong series
- “Our Favorite Magical Items from Fantasy,” SF Signal
- “Grammar Pet Peeves: The Agony and the Ecstacy,” J. Kathleen Cheney’s Site
- “Beth Cato: My Reading Rainbow Story,” Reading Rainbow Stories (official site)
- “A Confession Regarding Zombies,” Rhonda
- “Books We Can’t Wait to Read in 2014,” SF Signal
- “Agency,” Penumbra eZine Blog
- Side-Show Freaks: The Story Behind the Story of “The Sweetness of Bitter” at InterGalactic Medicine Show
- “Requested Material,” WOW! Muffin Friday Speak Out!
- “Resolutions and Writing,” Flash Fiction Chronicles
- “Science of Hockey Scores Big,” Arizona SciTech Festival
- “Prompts for the Poet,” Penumbra eZine Blog
- “Defying Stereotypes,” WOW! Muffin Blog Friday Speak Out!
- “How Flash Fiction Can Lead to Representation,” Flash Fiction Chronicles
- “Flash Essays for the Flash Fiction Writer,” Flash Fiction Chronicles
- “Context and Character”, Flash Fiction Chronicles
- “Feedback on Feedback,” Flash Fiction Chronicles
- “NaNoWriMo and the Evolution of a Writer,” Darcy Pattison’s Fiction Notes
- “Five Nights in the Castle,” Penumbric Volume VIII issue 4 (December 2024)
- “Text Messages from Myself,” Daikaijuzine issue 019: Dogorah (September 21 2024)
- “The Nothings,” co-written with Rhonda Parrish (reprint), Year’s Best Canadian Fantasy and Science Fiction Volume Two
- “You are a Monster,” “Defiance by Cake,” “Junkyard Spaceship,” as feature poet in Worlds of Possibility (August 2024)
- “Meat, Bone, and Soul,” Haven Spec (Issue 17 September 2024)
- “Red on White,” Carpe Noctem from Tyche Books
- “Welcoming the New Girl” (long form) and “As Does the Crow” (short form), included in the 2024 Rhysling Finalist Anthology
- “Moon Bread,” Eye to the Telescope (issue #50: Food and Feasting issue)
- “The Sound, The Sound, The Sound,” (co-written with Rhonda Parrish), Star*line 47.2 (Spring 2024)
- “Taste of Sunset,” Star*Line 47.1 (Winter 2024)
- “threads,” Penumbric (June 2024 volume VIII issue 1)
- “Not Waste a Drop” (written with Rhonda Parrish), Dreams & Nightmares #127
- “The Nothings” cowritten with Rhonda Parrish (reprint), Utopia Science Fiction Anthology
- “Breath Between Battles,” cowritten with Rhonda Parrish, The Quiet Ones (Vol. 2, Issue 3 – The End, Part Two – December 2023)
- “That Bruja’s Still There, Man,” Lorelei Signal (July-September 2024 ISSN: 2158-6160)
- “How Magic Will Help You Take the Bastards Down,” The Future Fire issue 2023.67
- “As Does the Crow,” Uncanny Magazine issue 53
- “Welcoming the New Girl,” Penumbric (October 2023)
- “Music” and reprinted “The Bookstore” and “A Sip of Starlight,” Cosmic Muse: Best of NewMyths Volume 4
- “More Than Big,” Daikaijuzine #14
- “Persuasive Argument Essay by Mackenzie, Age 8,” Penumbric (June 2023)
- “Wherein I Assess Viscount Pettigrew and Find Him an Inadequate Match,” Kaleidotrope (October 2023)
- “Just a Girl and Her Stuffed Animals,” Worlds of Possibility (October 2023)
- “The Permanence of Stone” (co-written with Rhonda Parrish) and “Bottom of the Jar,” Star*Line 46.4 Fall 2023
- “She Seeks a Home,” Small Wonders issue 0
- “The Nothings” with Rhonda Parrish, Utopia Science Fiction
- “The Lying Moon,” Star*Line 46.2 Spring 2023
- “The Deal” and “Lucky Shot” co-written with Rhonda Parrish, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (Jan/Feb 2023)
- “Following the White Horse,” Daikaijuzine (Dec 2022)
- “That Monster Beneath the Bed,” Haven Spec
- “Birthday Cake,” co-written with Rhonda Parrish, Dreams & Nightmares issue 123 January 2023
- “Better Off,” Star*Line 45.4 Fall 2022
- “Doing Her Part to Combat Sexism in the Sciences” and “Mother, Grandmother, God,” Star*Line 45.3 Summer 2022
- “Summer Evenings,” Frozen Wavelets issue 7
- “When As An Adult, You Choose to Again Believe in Magic,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2022
- “Only Times,” Eye to the Telescope #45
- “The Ship is Wrong,” Felis Futura
- “In Spring, We Thanked the Wee Folk,” Kaleidotrope (Summer 2022)
- “Timeless Pie,” Uncanny Magazine (Issue 46 May/June 2022)
- “Another Life,” Gwyllion Magazine Issue 4
- “Forget That,” Star*Line 45.2
- “Let’s Enjoy the Stars One Last Time” and “Today,” Star*Line 45.1
- Four works nominated for the 2022 Rhysling Award and included in the anthology: long form “The Bookstore” and “Follow the Meandering Path”; short form “Field Trip to See the Mermaid” and “How to Find Yourself Again”
- “The Bookstore,”
- “Shapeshifting Isn’t Some Party Trick,” Daikaijuzine
- “Follow the Meandering Path,” Abyss & Apex Issue 80: 4th Quarter 2021
- “The Eye of the Kraken,” Eye to the Telescope Issue 42: The Sea
- “Field Trip to See the Mermaid,” Mermaids Monthly
- “Demons,” Star*Line 44.4 Winter 2021
- “How to Find Yourself Again,” Fantasy Magazine
- “The Exorcist Does a Consultation and No More,” Southwest Review Volume 106, No. 3
- “Out of All the Experiences,” Star*Line 44.3
- “As if My Anxiety is at Last Depleted,” Black Cat Magazine #2
- “But You Mustn’t Look Back” co-written with Rhonda Parrish, The Dread Machine
- “Follow the Meandering Path,” Abyss & Apex Issue 80: 4th Quarter 2021
- Three poems nominated for and included in The 2021 Rhysling Anthology: The best science fiction, fantasy, & horror poetry of 2020 selected by the Science Fiction Poetry Association: “My Cat, He,” “Mrs. Housekeeper,” and co-written with Rhonda Parrish “The Luck Eaters”
- “Under Tables,” Departure Mirror issue 3
- “Dollies” and “mansplainer,” Star*Line 44.1
- “Outcomes of Her Time Travel Efforts to Save Her Husband,” Eye to the Telescope Issue 39: Travel
- “Least Weird Thing of All” and “Space Isn’t At All Like in the Vids,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Nov/Dec 2020
- “My Cat, He,” Uncanny Magazine Issue 36
- “At the End,” Liminality #25
- “Maiden Voyage of the Penelope” and “Don’t Panic,” Daikaijuzine
- “To Walk Upon Clouds” (reprint), Twilight Worlds: Best of NewMyths Anthology Volume II
- “A Spider’s Love,” Polu Texni
- “I Make Myself a Dragon,” The Book of Dragons
- “Great-Great Grandmother’s Recipe,” Polu Texni
- “The Luck Eaters” (co-written with Rhonda Parrish) and “When the Company Pays,” Star*Line 43.3
- “The Way is Long and Fraught with Perils,” Polu Texni
- “Going Home,” Liminality #24
- Four poems nominated for and included in The 2020 Rhysling Anthology: The best science fiction, fantasy, & horror poetry of 2019 selected by the Science Fiction Poetry Association: “Childhood Memory from the Old Victorian House on Warner” (long form category) and “My Ghost Will Know the Way,” “A Purring Cat is a Time Machine,” and “What You Hear When Your Best Friend Falls for a Supervillain” (short form category) (all poems reprints)
- YouTube video reading of previously-published “Wayfaring King” as part of the Cuttlefish Poetry Reading, Episode 2
- “The Girl Who Survived,” Mirror Dance
- “he scores” co-written with Rhonda Parrish, Star*Line 43.2
- “What You Hear When Your Best Friend Falls for a Supervillain,” Star*line 42.1
- “Other Worlds to Save,” Uncanny Magazine #33A March/April 2020
- “Gardener in Stasis,” Trouble Among the Stars #5
- “Mrs. Housekeeper,” Eye to the Telescope Issue 35: Hard Science-Fiction Tropes
- “Tree in Drought,” Frozen Wavelets
- “Old Coyote,” Eye to the Telescope Issue 34: Tricksters
- “A Purring Cat is a Time Machine,” “Dollar Store Monsters,” and “Drought and Dryad,” Daikaijuzine
- “These Rocks, This Soul,” Sycorax Journal issue 3
- “Stranger Danger,” Star*Line 42.3
- “My Ghost Will Know the Way,” The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction #744 July/August 2019
- “Consequences of a Stolen Star,” Kaleidotrope
- “After Her Brother Ripped the Heads from Her Paper Dolls” and “Fairies in the Crawlspace” (reprints), The 2019 Rhysling Anthology: The best science fiction, fantasy & horror poetry of 2018 selected by the Science Fiction Poetry Association
- “Childhood Memory from the Old Victorian House on Warner,” Uncanny Magazine #27
- Reprint “When Stones Awaken,” Passages: Best of NewMyths Anthology, Volume I
- “smile,” Uncanny Magazine issue 25
- “Prehistoric Provisions” and “Maybe Tomorrow,” Star*Line 41.4
- “Gone,” Liminality
- “Wayfaring King” and “A Net to Snare a Unicorn” (reprints), The 2018 Rhysling Anthology: The best science fiction, fantasy & horror poetry of 2017 selected by the Science Fiction Poetry Association
- “Fairies in the Crawlspace,” Uncanny Magazine
- “a GoFundMe Account,” Star*Line 41.2
- “So Old” and “Border Cowboy at the Border,” Grievous Angel
- “The Stars Sing,” Star*line 41.1
- “This Body Made,” Mythic Delirium issue 4.3
- “After Her Brother Ripped the Heads from Her Paper Dolls,” Mythic Delirium issue 4.3
- “Porom,” Special Feature for Skiffy and Fanty’s Month of Joy
- “Call Me Home Again, Child,” Spirit’s Tincture Issue 5
- “Wayfaring King,” Star*line 40.4
- “The Astronaut’s Cat,”
- “Rapunzel’s Visage,” Polu Texni
- “Homes,” Kaleidotrope
- “A Net to Snare Pegasus,” Star*Line 40.3
- “When Stones Awaken,”
- “The Box of Dust and Monsters,” “The Death of the Horse,” and “Morning During Migration Season” (reprints), The 2017 Rhysling Anthology: The best science fiction, fantasy & horror poetry of 2016 selected by the Science Fiction Poetry Association
- “East of the Caldera,” Devilfish Review
- “Note on the Teachers’ Lounge Fridge at the Witches’ Academy,” Star*line 40.2
- “Mother’s Return,” Eye to the Telescope: Alternate Realities
- “No Upgrade Required” and “Final Portion of Elixir Recipe,” Grievous Angel
- “The Flesh is Weak,” Eye to the Telescope: Robots
- “Being Human,” Star*line 40.1
- “A Net to Snare a Unicorn” and “Preventative Measures,” Mythic Delirium 3.3
- “At the Very Least,” Grievous Angel
- “Morning During Migration Season” and “Horse and Girl,” Star*line 39.4
- “The Death of the Horse,” Remixt Magazine Volume 1 Issue 8
- “Witch and Stick,” New Myths issue 36
- “The Box of Dust and Monsters,” Devilfish Review
- “Keep This Mystery,” Zetetic
- “The Mermaid, On Display in Phoenix,” Spirit’s Tincture Issue 1 (click on the cover image to read online for free)
- “Post-Apocalypse as Described by a Wine Reviewer,” Zetetic
- “Footprints” and “Shopping Spree,” Star*line 39.3
- “A Sip of Starlight,”
- “Grandmother,” Zetetic
- “Deeper Than Pie, Uncanny Magazine; also included in Uncanny Podcast 10a and read by Erika Ensign
- “Dragon, Bound in Stone,” Star*Line 39.2
- “Fried Okra” (reprint), 2016 Rhysling Anthology
- “View From Above,” Space and Time, issue 125
- “Window View,” “Apology Letter from the Aliens,” & “No More Broomsticks for Me,” Star*Line 39.1
- “To Ride the Puca,” Kaleidotrope
- “Riders of the Apocalypse: Death” and “Hera Herself, at 8’clock Tonight,” Grievous Angel
- Reminisces of a Kraken Caretaker, Devilfish Review
- “For the Cause,” Eye to the Telescope
- “Barstow” (reprint), Zetetic: A Record of Unusual Inquiry
- “Why You Will Listen and Drown,” Starline 38.4
- “The City,” Mythic Delirium issue 2.2
- “Obsidian,” Kaleidotrope
- “The Reason I Limp,” Zetetic: A Record of Unusual Inquiry
- “The Time Traveler Revisits Childhood,” Star*line 38.3
- “Dragon to Centauri” (reprint), The 2015 Rhysling Anthology edited by Rich Ristow
- “Leaf Dragon,”
- “What Happened Among the Stars,” Niteblade (June 2015); also featured as the cover illustration
- “Genetic,” “Time Traveler’s Illness,” and “The Border Cowboy’s Horse,” Star*Line 38.2
- “The Migration of Winged Jukeboxes,” Devilfish Review
- “Squished Things,” Kaleidotrope
- “After” and “The Selkie Visits the Beach (Six Months After Losing Her Pelt),” Grievous Angel
- “Mama Gonna Fight,” Apex Magazine
- “When Death Rides Among Puppets,” Eye to the Telescope
- “Time Traveler’s Diagnosis,” “Loophole,” “The Border Cowboy in Fairyland,” and “The Border Cowboy’s Smile,” Star*line 38.1
- “How a Modern Green Man Grows,”
- “Sorry,” Mobius: The Journal of Social Change
- “Time Traveler’s Seance,” “Thank Hecate for Insurance,” and “From Grandma, With Love,” Star*Line 37.4
- “Grandfather and Granddaughter (Age 5),” Devilfish Review
- “Nisei” and “Seeds” (reprinted), Mythic Delirium Anthology; available in all formats
- “Mama Bogey’s Advice,” “The Time Traveler’s Buttonhook,” “The Time Traveler’s Pants,” “The Time Traveler’s Gratitude,” and “Advice on Befriending a Siren,” Star*Line 37.3
- “To Walk Upon Clouds,”
- “Dragon to Centauri,” Space and Time Magazine Summer 2014 Issue #121
- “Suddenly, a Unicorn,” Grievous Angel
- “Mad Scientist’s Lament,” Lakeside Circus
- “Quercus Californica,” Tales of the Talisman Volume IX Issue 4
- “Unanimous,” Star*Line 37.2
- “Authentic Mother Version 2.6,” Star*Line 37.2
- “Barstow,” Spark Volume V
- “Cogs,” Apex Magazine Issue 59
- “Nisei,” Mythic Delirium Issue 0.4
- “Bird Girl,” Niteblade Magazine
- “Cloud Catcher,” Tales of the Talisman Volume IX Issue 2
- “Seeds,” Mythic Delirium Issue 0.3
- “First Fog,” Polu Texni
- “100% Love,”
- “Hold That Blade,” Metastasis: An Anthology to Support Cancer Research
- “Hunter,” Metastasis: An Anthology to Support Cancer Research
- “Clouds For Each and All to Ride,” Every Day Poets
- “What We Carry,” inkscrawl #6
- “The Rainbow,” Strong Verse
- “in case you forget,” Strong Verse
- “Wing,” Strong Verse
- “Four Addenda to Home Association Rules,” Star*Line 36.3
- “Regarding Portable Unicorns,” Star*Line 36.3
- “July Dawn, Phoenix,” Every Day Poets
- “Cloud Shapers,” Illumen
- “The Truth About Fairies,” Star*Line 36.2
- “autism,” Every Day Poets
- “Mice,” Mythic Delirium issue 28
- “Cat Lady,” Not One of Us #49
- “Homecoming,” Penumbra eMag volume 2 issue 6
- “Nightmares,” Bete Noire Magazine
- “Iraq,” Every Day Poets
- “Transdimensional Churros,” inspired by and in tribute to Kevin Hearne and his friend lost in the churro line, read by Xe Sands
- “What Remains,” Penumbra eMag volume 2 issue 5, zombies
- “The Truth About Unicorns” and “A Hairy Issue,” Star*Line 36.1
- “For Artemis Has Heard Their Cries,” Liquid Imagination Issue 15
- “After,” shortlisted as a finalist (unpublished), Science Fiction Poetry Association’s 2012 Contest
- “The Unicorn”, The Pedestal Magazine
- “Once Upon a Star,” MindFlights
- “Book Story,” MindFlights
- “Monsoon Sunset,” Every Day Poets
- “The Alchemy of Salad,” Every Day Poets
- “Six Months After,” OG’s Speculative Fiction, Issue 35
- “Hearts” and “In Buckeye,” Niteblade Fantasy and Horror Magazine #18, in print and PDF
- “West on Highway 198”, The Christian Science Monitor
- “Siren’s Call of the San Joaquin” and “Walking to Frank’s Market, 1985,” Madroad: Breadline Press West Coast Anthology
- “Ever Do They Hunger,” Star*Line 34.1
- “Fog Monsters,” Every Day Poets
- “I Love Vermont” and “My Birthday Dinner”, Perspectives: Poetry Concerning Autism and Other Disabilities
- “Alone” (a group effort), Sorcerous Signals
- “Valley Spring,” Every Day Poets
- “La ducentésimo séptima vez que he vuelto al 9 de marzo de 1980” a Spanish translation of “The 207th Time I Went Back to March 9, 1980,” Voces de lo insólito (April 2024)
- “Raue Sitten” (Rough Manners) (originally “Canopy of Skulls”), (Oct 12 2022)
- “Nadat Haar Broer de Hoofden van Haar Papieren Poppen Trok” (“After Her Brother Ripped the Heads from Her Paper Dolls”) translated into Dutch in Speculatief Magazine
- “Powers of Observation,” Science Fiction World Junior (10/2021)
- “Hatchlings,” translated into Chinese in Science Fiction World Junior (10/2020)
- “Red Dust and Dancing Horses,” cover story, translated in Chinese in Science Fiction World Junior (12/2019)
- “Powers of Observation” translated as “How to Become a Good Scientist” in Arabic at Arabic Nature Magazine
- “Human is Late to Feed the Cat” translated as “Hungry Cat” in German at Spektrum (Nature Magazine)
- “Bread of Life” in Arabic at Arabic Nature Magazine
- “Post Apocalyptic Conversations with a Sidewalk” translated as “My Friend, the Walkway” in German at Spektrum (Nature Magazine)
- “Reading Time,” translated by Alireza Ajali into Persian, published in Farheekhtegan in Iran
Chicken Soup for the Soul anthologies and Other Nonfiction
- “Joy Amidst the Sorrow,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Grieving, Loss and Healing
- “Modern-Style Magic at West Kennet Long Barrow in Southern England,” story and photographs, Journey Planet Issue #51: Magical Places
- “A Letter to Bubba’s First Family,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Cats
- “Advent of New Holiday Traditions,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
- “Shoe Bonanza,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons from the Cat
- “Wrestling with Imposter Syndrome,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Yes!; available to read online
- “The Soul of Independence Day,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Spirit of America
- Cadbury Egg Brownies recipe, Ad Astra: The 50th Anniversary SFWA Cookbook
- “Believing in Unicorns,” Blood on the Floor: How Writers Survive Rejection
- “Welcome to the Navy” and “All About the Balloon,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cat Did What?
- “Strength in Numbers,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Just Us Girls
- “I Pledge Allegiance,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive for Kids
- “Queries, Agents, and Insomnia,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Writers
- “We Love Vermont,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Raising Kids on the Spectrum
- “Numbers Game,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hooked on Hockey
- “Lessons From my Grandparents,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Gift of Christmas (Paperback reprint for broad distribution)
- “Book Brain,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Boost Your Brain Power!
- “Every Precious Minute,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Just for Preteens
- “Lessons From my Grandparents,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Gift of Christmas (Wal-mart exclusive)
- “Lessons From my Grandparents,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tales of Christmas (Barnes & Noble exclusive)
- “Kindergarten Eve: A Mother Confronts the Many Moods of her Autistic Child,” April/May 2010 Issue 6 Totts Magazine
- “Beginning After NaNoWriMo: Revise and Edit Your Manuscript,” January 2010 WOW! Women on Writing
- “Long Distance Love,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: True Love
- “The Emperor’s Blessing,” Chicken Soup for the Soul: What I Learned From the Cat
- Untitled six-word sentence on page 125, Six-Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak
- “Home is Where the Kitties Are,” The Ultimate Cat Lover
- eSpec Books interviews Beth Cato, contributor to Other Aether: Tales of Global Steampunk
- 5 Questions For Beth Cato at Litstack
- Departure Mirror Author Spotlight: Beth Cato
- Annie’s Book Stop of Worcester – Author Spotlight on Beth Cato
- Legion of Sand’s Content Comrades – Author Beth Cato
- Mini Interview with Uncanny Magazine in support of their Kickstarter campaign
- An Interview with F&SF about the Poem “My Ghost Will Know the Way”
- “Buckeye Author Contributes to Chicken Soup series,” West Valley View [print edition only], September 12, 2018
- Exclusive interview with Uncanny Magazine in support of their Kickstarter (July 2018)
- Phoenix New Times’s 2016 100 Creatives: YA Author Beth Cato on Why Crying Is the Best Compliment a Reader Could Give Her by Becky Bartkowski (May 2016)
- Mike Resnick, Kate Corcino, and Beth Cato talk about Decision Points, SFF World (May 2016)
- “The Importance of Slides: Beth Cato’s Story in C is for Chimera at Rhonda Parrish’s site (April 2016)
- Feature interview in Locus Magazine. Excerpt here. (December 2015)
- Fractured Friday: Beth Cato talks about B is for Broken (September 2015)
- From Luopans to Fractal Burns: An Interview with FAE Contributor Beth Cato at World Weaver Press (April 2015)
- Metastasis Contributor Interview: Beth Cato (October 2013)
- Of Cookies and Clockwork: an interview with Milo James Fowler (September 2013)
- WOW! Muffin Blog: Don’t You Just Love A Good (Writing) Success Story? interview by Cathy C. Hall (August 2013)
- “Buckeye author featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul” by Shane McOwen of West Valley View (July 5, 2013)
- Interviewed by Gary B. Phillips (May 2013)
- Penumbra eMag’s Blog: A Word with Beth Cato: On Finding Your Tribe (May 2013)
- Blondies, Books, and Beth Cato: an interview with Katie Cord at Evil Girlfriend with a Pen (February 2013)
- Inside the Wayline: An Interview with Beth Cato, author of “An Echo in the Shell” (January 2013)
- Writer Wednesday with Amber Sistla (November 2012)
- Alethea Kontis’s Month of Artist and Author Interviews: Beth Cato (July 2012)
- Interview with Cassie Alexander (June 2012)
- Presenting Trust & Treachery Author Beth Cato (May 2012)
- “Buckeye author featured in bathroom book” by Sara Clawson of West Valley View (May 15, 2012)
- The Meager Puddle of Limelight Award for Best Opening Line (1st place) Interview with Jon Gibbs (February 5, 2012)
- Interview with Rick Novy (December 2011)
- An interview with Anita G. Howard: QueryTrackers Making Tracks, #8 (May 2011)
- Interview with Niteblade Magazine (May 2011)
- The Meager Puddle of Limelight Award for Best Opening Line (2nd and 3rd place) Interview with Jon Gibbs (January 20, 2011)
- Interview with Margo Dill from WOW! Women on Writing (March 3, 2009)
Notable Notes
- Two poems, “Welcoming the New Girl” (long form) and “As Does the Crow” (short form), finalists for the 2024 Rhysling Award. “As Does the Crow” won an honorable mention.
- Story included in Seven SFF Stories Featuring Rebellions Big and Small at
- “The Bookstore” (NewMyths) won long form Rhysling Award for 2022!
- Four poems nominated for the 2022 Rhysling Award for spec poetry published in 2020: “The Bookstore,” “Follow the Meandering Path,” “Field Trip to See the Mermaid,” and “How to Find Yourself Again”
- “Out Of All the Experiences” (published in Star*Line) is a 2021 Pushcart Prize nominee
- On the ballot for the Canadian 2021 Aurora Awards, nominated with my co-author Rhonda Parrish for our hockey poem “he scores,” originally published in Star*Line
- Three poems nominated for the 2021 Rhysling Award for spec poetry published in 2020: “The Luck Eaters” co-written with Rhonda Parrish (short form), and “My Cat, He” and “Mrs. Housekeeper” (long form)
- Included in ‘People have been trying to outpun each other – and these 27 are very punny indeed’ at the Poke
- Buckeye writer lands in ‘Magic of Cats,’ West Valley View
- Four poems nominated for the 2020 Rhysling Award for spec poems published in 2019: “Childhood Memory from the Old Victorian House on Warner” (long form category) and “My Ghost Will Know the Way,” “A Purring Cat is a Time Machine,” and “What You Hear When Your Best Friend Falls for a Supervillain” (short form category)
-’s Must-Read Speculative Short Fiction: December 2019 highlights my Nature story “Sometimes You End Up Where You Are.”
- Tangent Online on my story “Consider the Monsters”: “It’s a sweet story, though short, and brings up memories of how I used to think about the world when I was a kid.”
- Quick Sip Reviews on my story “Consider the Monsters”: “”It’s a bit of a grim piece, containing as it does a young girl and what might be a truly devastating global crisis/calamity. But there’s hope, too, wrapped in the way that when bad things happen, people have a tendency to pull together and try to offer what solidarity and protection there can be in cooperation and kindness.”
- Book Riot: GET INTO SPECULATIVE POETRY WITH THESE 2019 RHYSLING AWARD WINNERS, featuring my two finalist poems
- 2019 Rhysling Award Winner, short form category, for my poem “After Her Brother Ripped the Heads from Her Paper Dolls,” published in Mythic Delirium; also, 2nd place, long form category, for “The Fairies in the Crawlspace,” published in Uncanny Magazine
- Locus Magazine reviews and recommends “The Blighted Godling of Company Town H” from Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- Kirkus recommends my story “The Peculiar Gravity of Home”: “To describe her short story “The Peculiar Gravity of Home” as being about an Old Cat Lady on the Moon belies its charm… [Ms. Harrison is] as likable as the story and I wouldn’t mind revisiting this setting again.”
- Reviewed at Smile Politely: “And maybe the most beautiful combination of form, language and imagery is Beth Cato’s poem, “Childhood Memory from the Old Victorian House on Warner”. Short, surreal and shocking, its personification of light, shadow and wallpaper reads like something Kafka might have written while reminiscing about his youth.”
- Poems “After Her Brother Ripped the Heads from Her Paper Dolls” and “Fairies in the Crawlspace” nominated for the 2019 Rhysling Award.
- Quick Sip Reviews on “Blighted Godling of Company Town H” in Beneath Ceaseless Skies: “The piece looks at aftermaths and purpose, conveying a fallen feeling. It’s a teetering on the edge of complete ruin, asking if it’s worth it to try and stand again, knowing that it will never be the same… A wonderful read!”
- “[The poem] doesn’t mince words—it shreds them instead, foregoing the need for the woman in the poem to speak at all… I’m going to say that I love how the piece brings fantasy into reality, how it makes this kind of justice (sharp, fiery, violent) a mirror of the injustice that it faces.” Quick Sip Reviews on “smile” from Uncanny issue 25
- Quick Sip Reviews offers deep praise of “To This You Cling, With Jagged Fingernails”: “It’s a graceful read, though, careful and with a blush of defiance, a hope that maybe magic isn’t just for those too young to know better.”
- B&N SFF Blog highlights my story “To This You Cling, With Jagged Fingernails”: “Cato perfectly captures the bittersweet moment when you feel the magic of childhood slip away, a moment haunted by sadness, and by the loneliness you can feel in a crowd when you think no one else feels the same, or as deeply, as you.”
- 9 Nerdy Things to Do This August [2018] in Metro Phoenix feature in Phoenix New Times, which includes an incredibly large picture of my head along with a mention for CoKoCon, where I am local author guest of honor
- Phoenix Comic Fest: The View From the Center Hallway in the Phoenix New Times: Beth Cato’s cookies among the best things at the con
- Quick Sip Reviews on “Fairies in the Crawlspace”: “And it’s creepy as fuck but also just a wee bit adorable and the pairing of those things, the balance, is deftly handled. And there’s such a nice flow, giving it this energy, this wonder that never really leaves, even as the mood of the piece dissolves into darkness and horror. It’s just really fun, and that might make me a terrible person because it’s dealing with abuse and with coping and with trauma, but there’s something beautifully haunting about the way this poem moves.”
- Red Dust and Dancing Horses Is an Affecting Collection of Epics in Miniature: collection reviewed at the B&N SFF Blog
- Red Dust and Dancing Horses collection recommended at Kirkus Reviews
- My sun-cooked backyard egg made worldwide media, with a feature on the Arizona Republic’s Weather Blog resulting in mentions on the BBC
- Wonderful Locus Magazine review of my story “With Cardamom I’ll Bind Their Lips” from Uncanny Magazine
- Three poems (“The Box of Dust and Monsters,” “The Death of the Horse,” and “Morning During Migration Season”) nominated for the 2016 Rhysling Award
- Story “Beat Softly, My Wings of Steel” on Diabolical Plot’s list of Best Podcastle Stories 2016
- “Headspace” from Cats in Space a finalist for WSFA Small Press Award
- Ellen Datlow included “The City” from Mythic Delirium on her long list for best horror of the year for 2015
- Included in 10 Arizona Sci-Fi and Fantasy Authors You Should Know — Besides Diana Gabaldon and Stephenie Meyer in Phoenix New Times
- Wings of Sorrow and Bone: A Clockwork Dagger Novella nominated for 2015 Nebula Award!
- Poem “Fried Okra” (originally published in Tales of the Talisman) nominated for Rhysling Award
- Poem “What Happened Among the Stars” nominated for the Pushcart Prize
- The Clockwork Crown nominated for Best Steampunk in the Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy category of the 2015 RT Reviewers Choice Awards
- Poem “Sorry” nominated for Best of the Net by Mobius Magazine
- Poem “Bird Girl” from Niteblade 27 on Ellen Datlow’s full recommended list for Best Horror of the Year volume Seven
- The Clockwork Dagger nominated for the 2015 First Novel Locus Award
- Nominated for the 2015 Rhysling Award for poem “Dragon to Centauri”
- Participant in 2015 #TwitterFiction Festival; posted about 70 tweet-sized stories and poems
- “The Cartography of Shattered Trees” (published in FAE anthology) included on Tangent Online’s 2014 Recommended Reading List
- Included on SF Signal’s list Up And Coming Authors of The Last 5 Years
- “The Sweetness of Bitter” (published in IGMS) included on Tangent Online’s 2013 Recommended Reading List