2024 Conventions

Posted by on May 3, 2024 in Blog, public speaking | Comments Off on 2024 Conventions

Greetings! I haven’t posted anything beyond Bready or Not in a while, with good reason–I’ve been inordinately busy. Things are happening. Good things. Things I hope to share more about very soon.

Right now, I have a chance to catch my breath. This gives me an opportunity to share some other good news–I’m taking part in many cons this year! June in particular will be a busy month for me.

Here are the current plans:

4th Street Fantasy in Minneapolis: June 14-16

I don’t know if I’ll have panels, but I’ll be in attendance nevertheless, happy to chat and likely with some cookies on my person. Do note that I’ll be vigilant about masking, not simply because this convention requests it, but because I’m committed to another convention days later…

Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio: June 19-22

I’m a special guest author at Origins this year! I’ve never been to this fair before, but I’ve heard great things. It looks like a smaller version of Gen Con, which is good, because Gen Con was way too much for my sensitive brain to handle. This will be my first time in Columbus! And there’s a cheese shop right near the convention! Yay!

World Fantasy Convention in Niagara Falls, NY: October 17-20

This is so far out, I’m still not fully sure when I’m arriving or leaving, so regard those dates as a rough estimate. I’ve only been to New York State once before, to the big city, and I’ve always wanted to see the falls. Much excitement! World Fantasy Cons are among my favorites because they are big and yet intimate at the same time. I hope to see a lot of people here that I haven’t seen in years.